Friday, January 2, 2009

My thoughts today....Make a Difference

I woke up this morning...granted I have the worlds worst cold going on but I still woke

It isn't cold, I thought as Tinker Bell & I descended the stairs. Thanks God for that as she was in a walking mood.Christmas is OVER...... as I took the lights down and shoved the tree once more into the depths of my closet.

Then I log on and set about my learning for today and I read about Gaza and the poor people that are living in such terror and suddenly I want to cry. Cry for all that was and will never be again. Cry for the innocence lost. The lives, the potential...

And then anger sets in. And boy am I angry.

I am angry that our Government is allowing those atrocities to continue against the most helpless of people. I'm angry that no more than 2000 showed up in Dallas for the demonstration, angry that I didn't know about it before or I would have gone

Just angry cause I am only one person

But hopeful as I am one among MANY that feel this way. Let us all vent our anger and stand together to say This is wrong. We will not stand for this. WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

Write a letter, sign a petition, Barrage Congress, the Senate do whatever each of us can do in our own way...MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!

Update....Another wonderful Human has posted a Great Blog here is a link to it. I hope all read and follow this. Another way to MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Thank you.

1 comment:

Muchacho Enfermo said...

Excellent post!
I liked the idea of this vote-strike blog thing... but it would just make my life impossible!
Either way though, I'm glad someone is doing something!